Soon after the opening set by Ernie Hendrickson, Charlie Shafter and his band the Gnomes minus their drummer took the stage. From the first note he sings Charlie's voice stands out to me but it still has that rough edge to it most Texas singers seem to have. Although Charlie calls Texas home now he is originally from Illinois or at least that's what i have been told. Since Charlie's website states that he and the band are "four marginally educated ant farmers from Duluth, Minnesota" i don't know who to trust on that. I do know that i really like Charlie's latest album "17Th & Chicago" on Smith Entertainment records. If i had to describe his music i would say it is a cross between older Wilco and t

he mellower side of Dave Matthews with a little of The Band evident also and since Charlie has been known to cover a few songs by the band it seems that they are also an influence. Charlie Shafter & the Gnomes played to a crowd that was just starting to become assembled for the Randy Rogers band later that night and as the crowd became larger Charlie's music began to pick up in energy. Even though he did not have a drummer along which i am not sure why (he was not at the next show in Riverton, Illinois either) the sound was still full and rich with the help of Clayton Freeman on backing vocals and upright bass and rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist Adam Cline. Click on the title of this post to view more photos.
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