After playing the KNBT 92.1 annual Americana Music Jam in New Braunfels Texas, Chris, Charlie & Cody came up to Chicago for one of the last stops on their acoustic tour. The crowd at Joe's were ready to see and hear what some of us got a larger dose of at the Musicfest in Steamboat back in January and the guys were glad to be back in Chicago. Chairs and tables were set up again and each person or group was escorted one by one to their reserved seats. Cody said they sang "Chicago Is" by Frank Sinatra all the way on the plane because Charlie said he gave him a pill for flying. Cody was still singing it after the show not because of those pills but because he's also a Sinatra fan and loves being in Chicago.

Charlie started the show off with "Feelin Good" off of "Beautiful Day" from his latest release. After that Charlie said "Cody was nice enough to leave a copy of the Courtyard Hounds CD on my pillow the other day, i hadn't read any of the lyrics yet but i know my divorce songs are way better than her's." It was Cody's turn next and he said "well here's the song that got me out of a divorce, and my lovely wife is sitting right there in the corner" and he played " Flowers" for Shannon.

Chris Knight was next after Cody introduced him and he started right in on "Rural Route" off his "Enough Rope" CD and Cody took most of the guitar solos for the whole night. Charlie talked about how he and Chris didn't get along, i think he was joking but then Cody said they actually loved each other and Chris jumped in and said well "not LOVE love each other, we just get along" about then my little digital tape recorder quit that i use to remember things like this so i lost any other details of the show.

Charlie played songs like "Loving County" and "My Hometown" and rattled off some great one liners like "the toughest guys wear the gayest shirts". Cody played "Bluebonnets" and "Dimebag" and even "51 Pieces" which were cool to hear acoustic and Chris and Charlie joked about how Cody was lacking in having as many murder ballads to sing as they had. Chris sang "The River" and "If I Were You" and even "Love and a .45" and it was great to see Chris in a good mood and smiling, even trading insults with the audience after someone yelled out and said "just play the song, you dumb redneck!" which Chris responded by saying "I know what i am, i know what you are too!" After the show Chris even came out to sign autographs and pose for pictures. Out by the bus Cody took a photo of my KNBT t-shirt and sent it to the station's owner Mattson Rainer, then he called him and handed me the phone, i didn't really know what to say and i just rambled on about how much i listen too and like the station. We hung out a while, Charlie and Chris were sleeping by then and we left Chicago around 2 am for the drive home.